Monday, June 15, 2009

The sleep of the innocent

Well, it's about 24 hours before we may close on our condo, but it's still not a sure thing. I'm all for procrastination, but not in this type of situation. We already had one loan fall through over $10 worth of home insurance the day before, so I'm a bit nervous.

The bonus is, I'm so freaking tired from jet lag (no sleep at all last night) that I haven't really thought about it. I had to go back to work today, so I just focused on that and reading the internet. Two weeks of work backed up? Meh, that'll keep. Actually, because I have an awesome boss and great co-workers, I didn't have that much to catch up on and I was able to go into work at 7 a.m. and leave at 3. My boss doesn't much care, as long as the work gets done and I keep my hours accurate.

So I'll just spend tonight worrying about the mortgage coming through. I'm guessing that's what the sellers are doing to. I feel a little bad for them, but not much. After all, we're getting screwed in this too. This new loan includes PMI, so we'll be paying more each month. Think anybody will pay me to blog or write?

Now I just gotta stay awake until a normal bed time to try and get back to East Coast US time. Damn New Zealand and your seeing into the future. Tell me what will happen tomorrow!

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