That's not a euphemism, by the way. We stopped and had our normal lunch "picnic" of a sandwich, cheese, coke and chocolate in the car. There are roadside picnic tables all over the country and it's much cheaper to buy stuff at a grocery store. Anyway, it was raining, so we stayed in teh car and ate today right along the coast. Watched the waves role in and kept the radio on. But I forgot the headlights of our mighty rental car, a Daihatsu Sirion (nicknamed "the Sirloin" by E due to it's name and the fact that's its the size of a steak). So, when E went to start it up, no go. She avoided panicking, which was good. We were several KMs from civilization.
So we pushed the mighty Sirloin back a ways, then she got in and I went behind and started pushing. That sucked. But she popped the clutch and we got the old girl going. Woo! Little trust in the Sirloin at the moment.
We did see the Franz Joseph glacier (pronounced GLASS-ee-uh if you're refined and stuff), which was so cool. I'd never seen a glacier before and we got to get pretty close to it's terminus. That's where it ends and turns into a freezing river. I'm so scientific with my names.
Then after a few hours of left-side driving up the west coast, we stopped at the pancake rocks. Sadly, we missed high tide, when the waves turn the rocks into a massive blow-hole. Who wouldn't want to see a massive blow-hole? I'm holding comment w/the wife around.
Anyway, tomorrow we're off for the the inter-island ferry and crossing to the north island. More (or actually, some) civilization there. Kinda makes me sad.
Oh, and pics will probably have to wait until we return. Sorry.
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