Thursday, May 14, 2009


People pack and move in two very different ways. You may collect boxes a few months in advance, slowly putting things away over that time and carefully labeling the boxes for which room they go in, so that most of your stuff is ready to go a week or two before you actually move.

Or you can run to a liquor store a few days before you move, beg for boxes and just load all your crap as quickly as you can the day before your lease expires. I'm a fan of this method, with some degree of experience.

The house will be the 9th place I've lived since 2000. It will be the fifth place I've lived in with my lovely wife since 2004. We may not be geographically stable, but we do have our familiar patterns.

I have no desire to pack anything until a maximum of a week before we move. She's already got several boxes filled, ready and waiting to go. I'm looking forward to the next three years without moving. That'll be nice.

1 comment:

  1. Amen, brother. I do some of my best work when time is of the essence. You don't have nearly as much to distract you, you simply don't have the time. Who needs drugs to calm or help you concentrate, procrastination gives you all of the same benefits without any side effects! Well, at least not as many!
